CCIL is the foremost national organization representing the interests of the private-sector environmental/life sciences testing laboratories in Canada.
The Council also supports and endorses national and international accreditation systems for this sector.
Every laboratory that is a CCIL member is accredited in accordance with ISO (International Organization of Standards). The main accreditation bodies in Canada that manage the ISO accreditation are CALA (Canadian Association of Laboratory Accreditation) and SCC (Standards Council of Canada). These comprehensive accreditation programs are internationally recognized.
Division membership includes small, medium and large commercial environmental testing laboratories, as well as their affiliated suppliers. Member companies provide a broad array of testing, including:
- Water and waste water
- Effluents
- Soil and sediment
- Air
- Emissions
- Biota (plant tissue, fish, animal, biological fluids)
- Fruits and vegetables
- Pharmaceuticals
- Petrochemicals
- Minerals
Other services provided by member companies include:
- Environmental impact assessment and permit monitoring analysis
- Site assessment and remediation analysis
- Mobile laboratory services
- Occupational hygiene consulting and analysis
- Waste characterization
- Computerized data management
- Quality audit